5 Content Marketing Trends of 2016 - Access Marketing Company

5 Content Marketing Trends of 2016

 The New Year has arrived, and so has a slew of new content marketing trends. From changing demographics to emerging technologies, here’s how a content marketer’s job might evolve in 2016.

New Mediums

While visual media have become the new standard to increase engagement these last few years (more than half of all content marketers have been using visual content since 2014), even newer visual media are starting to emerge.
Virtual reality may be making more of a marketing splash in 2016 as a number of devices get a public release. Oculus Rift, the visual reality device bought by Facebook, is slated for an early 2016 public release. Sony’s PlayStation VR is aiming for the first half of 2016. The Microsoft HoloLens, demonstrated this past year, has yet to have a public release date, but the Development Edition should be coming sometime next year.
There’s a good chance that we’ll see some larger enterprises use the new devices as potential marketing and advertising vehicles in 2016. Media companies like the New York Times, has already dabbled in the area. SMBs, however, may have to wait a little longer for feasible marketing on such devices.
Interactive media and gamification, however, may be used more frequently by small businesses in 2016. A few companies already make quiz-making a viable content resource for smaller businesses, and marketing gamification has already been embraced by enterprise companies. As the gamification trend continues, expect a few more SMBs to get on board.

More Technology in the Marketing Department

Anyone plugged into the marketing industry has already heard of the emergence of a new marketing position, chief marketing technologist. This career is entirely centered on implementation of new marketing tech for businesses. Such a position points toward an increased use of technology and more data streams.
New technologies confirm the trend. Location-based marketing, wearable devices and emotion-tracking software are all set to deliver an entirely new level of data that needs to be analyzed and implemented into marketing strategies. Due to this influx of data, content marketers will be relied upon to create more and more dynamic content which can adapt to any number of situations that a prospect finds himself or herself. Reliance on A/B testing may also become more prevalent.

More social media

While this content marketing trend started in the early- to mid-2000s, it certainly hasn’t stopped. Every year, more and more social media channels gain popularity. Some wilt and die (RIP MySpace) while others flourish (Facebook). Content marketers will have to at least be aware of any new social media channels, their demographics and how to use them effectively as they come in and out of fashion.

More content

Luckily, content marketing will probably not be dying off any time soon. 90% of all organizations use content in their marketing efforts, and close to 80% of CMOs believe custom content is the future of marketing.
At the same time, we’re watching mobile and omnichannel marketing efforts take over the market, and content marketers will be asked to continue to create content for both platforms. This isn’t exactly new. Since 2014, more people use mobile devices to surf the Internet than desktops. The content marketing trend continued into 2015, and it’s not expected to stop in 2016.
Eventually, the bevy of content marketing assets trying to attract consumers may overwhelm them. Proof in point – 900,000 blog posts and 210 billion emails are created daily.
Content marketers will have to be on top of their game to keep their content fresh, engaging and audience-centric. While the idea that content marketing is still considered effective by the larger industry is comforting, the idea that someday our efforts may just be white noise to the average consumer is not. Hopefully, it won’t happen anytime soon.

More Millennials With More Money

Millennials are getting older, which means they’re getting more buying power, which means brands will be paying more attention to them in the coming year.
Already we’re seeing the shift of some brands trying to keep up with the change, and businesses are scrambling to understand these strange new faces. From more promise-focused branding to active social media use, the mystery of the Millennials and what they mean for marketing and the economy will continue to be an active talking point in 2016.
Looking forward roughly two years, the Millennial buzz will likely be replaced by the next generation – currently codenamed Generation Z, iGen or Post-Millennials. At that time, marketers and media outlets will have a whole new set of individuals to stereotype.

Getting Ready for the New Year

January 1 is getting closer every day. By knowing what might be coming in the new year, content marketers will have a better chance to prepare for any changes and keep the understanding of their craft on the cutting edge of marketing.

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